Unique Transport Modes Around the World
Last Updated on November 12, 2021
Sailing on an ancient junk boat in Vietnam, riding a rickshaw in Japan or traversing the Sahara Desert on camels – there are thousands of strange and oddly intriguing forms of transportation around the world. Inspired by my hero Charley Boorman who travelled from Ireland to Sydney using 112 modes of transport on TV series ‘By Any Means’, I’m compiling a post together on the 10 most unique transportation modes in the world.
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Unique Transport Modes Around the World
1. Bamboo Train, Cambodia
Between Battambang and Cambodia’s capital, Phnom Penh, you’ll find this interesting train, cobbled together with a wooden frame, bamboo planking, an upright engine and reused military tank wheels. As basic it looks, it can haul passengers and cargo from one city to the next. Known as ‘norry’ in Khmer, it uses the spur lines, which means when a real train comes puffing, get ready to jump off your ride!
2. Tuktuk, India
These motorized three-wheelers are used all over Asia – originally from Thailand, they then spread to Laos, Cambodia, Pakistan and India. Although Bangkok is the pioneer in the tuktuk industry, it’s India where traffic-swerving drivers and chaotic road conditions make it a thrilling ride. Whether you are looking for good food in Bangalore or going shopping in New Delhi, you definitely won’t miss riding one when traveling in India. A tuktuk can usually accommodation two persons and a suitcase.
3. Junk Boat, Hongkong
Along Hongkong’s Victoria Harbour, the nation’s signature junk boats float against a backdrop of skyscraping offices. These Chinese sailboats date from ancient times, specifically the Han Dynasty. Today, they are converted into sunset boats and booze cruises for tourists and locals seeking a breathe of fresh air. Riding the junk boat is an essential part of any trip to Hong Kong!
4. Zorb, New Zealand
The zorb is the sport of rolling down a hill inside a giant inflatable ball, cushioned by a thick layer of air. New Zealand first brought us bungee-jumping, white-water raftin, skydiving and now this! There’s a range of rides to choose from – from wet to dry, individual to multi-person or zigzag rides. As the kiwis call it, globe riding sure is an interesting way to find your way round New Zealand.
5. Dog Sleds, Norway
There aren’t many places where you can do this. In Northern Norway, close to the Arctic Circle, you can embark on dog-sledding trips that bring you through gorgeous winter landscapes. Every participant will lead your own team of four or six dogs, and swish across scenic routes. Many trips are organized in the Saltfjellet – Svartisen national park and Jotunheimen National Park, where overnight stays in wooden lodges can be included.
6. Totora Boat, Peru
On the floating islands of Lake Titicaca, the Uros tribes weave their homes and transportation with reeds – or totora in their tribal language – found in the lake. Built to resemble the shape of a dragon, it is said that the boats were used to ward off evil in ancient Inca times. These incredibly light but resistant boats sail out swiftly on the calm lake, making transport for the locals easy and convenient.
7. Chicken Bus, Guatemala
Public buses in Guatemala are nicknamed the ‘chicken buses’ for the hectic and tight conditions where passengers are crammed into these old U.S. school buses alongside chicken and goats. For the intrepid travelers seeking a little adventure, it’s quite an interesting way to get under the skin of the country. Some chicken buses are decked out in neon signs or voodoo posters, but all pose the same thrill. Be warned – petty crimes have been reported on these buses.
8. Felucca, Egypt
These traditional Egyptian sailboats have remained, over the centuries, the primary transportation of the Nile River in Egypt. Its ancient form still graces the river as it has done since the time of the Pharaohs.
These days, both locals and foreigners enjoy a relaxing ride on the felucca, basking under the sun or catching the sunset. Travelers can also take a multi-day felucca ride from Luxor to Aswan and back.
Have you tried any of these transportations? Which unique transport is your favorite? Let us know in the comments field below!
The Comments
I have never seen a zorb, but I absolutely MUST check one of them out now. That looks like so much fun!!
Tuk-tuk actually first appeared in Italy, called the 'Ape' (=bee) … 3-wheeled version of the Vespa (=wasp) scooter, usually with a little truck-bed.
Future lists MUST include Madeira toboggans!
KeithI've never heard of toboggans in Madeira, gotta read up on that! I researched abit on tuk-tuks but couldn't really find where it originated from. The Italian Ape definitely resembles the tuktuk, first appearing in 1948. Well thanks for the info, good to learn more!
Dina VagabondQuest
NellieI'm happy to see somebody mentioned Madeira toboggan sled ride! I've been on it and it was so much fun! Pretty much we sit on a wicker sled for 2, and 2 guys will stand behind us for stirring. Sometimes they ran, sometimes they just stand on the back wicker platform (don't know what it's called). It's going downhill in roads, including passing intersection (thank goodness cars stopped for us), moving through wavy alley, so much fun. It's one direction journey though, it can't go uphill :)
Migration Mark
That Zorb device looks to be a thrilling ride. One of my favorite things to ride are local “matatu” mini buses in Nairobi outfitted with blaring bass filled hip hop music, murals of random famous people, and flashing disco lights.
Migration Markhey Mark yes these matatus sound kinda similar to the public buses in La Paz, Bolivia. Dala dalas in Tanzania are slightly different, with old Japanese school buses being used as public transport.
Some great transport options. I think I may want to give a couple of these a try when I''m in Asia later this year. I'm really curious about the bamboo train… haha
Is zorb for real?
StephenYes! I’ve never tried it myself actually, but I’ve got friends who told me how it feels to be in it. I’m definitely going to New Zealand to try it for myself too!
Oh yes, I was going to include the jeepneys in the Philippines but my list was getting too long. Could you tell me more about the ojek in Indonesia? I’d love to learn more about it.
Dina VagabondQuest
adminMight as well commenting again, I love this article of yours! I've rode an Indonesian ojek before. It's pretty much a motorcycle ride, you pay the driver to take you somewhere. One customer only per ojek.
In Santorini, people usually approach by water. The city is on much higher elevation than the dock. One of the options how to go up is by donkey ride. I don't have other donkey ride experience, but these donkeys of Santorini have this annoying hobby to walk really close to the road edge. Your choice is between having your knees scraped by the stone road wall or wondering whether the donkey will fall the cliff when it walks on other road edge. It sometimes also slips on donkey droppings that pretty much cover the whole way. But I love it :)
Dina VagabondQuestLOL I had the same donkey experience, but it was in Jordan, visiting the Petra. The poor donkey had to carry my weight up and down steep rocky slopes and many times, I thought we were both gonna fall! But it turned out to be an amusing experience.
Santorini is so pretty, isn’t it? We rented a car to get around instead, some of the best times I’ve had. :)
Dina VagabondQuest
admin:D Yea, so apparently donkeys behaving the same here and there!
Santorini was indeed gorgeous. We rented a four wheeler and explore the main island. The sunset was one of my favourites ever!
the Zorb is really impressive, I would love to try it myself when in my next visit to Oceania!! There is one more odd transport mode it came into my mind which I experienced a few years ago, …but can't think of the name now…will add it later… :)
Dina VagabondQuest
Since I'm from Indonesia originally, I've been in the Indonesian Tuk Tuk. We call it helicak. There we also have many other unusual means of transportation, nearly everyday I used "becak". You might be familiar with this since you are from Singapore? (I read that from your profile).
I've rode Camel in Egypt, very weird sensation when the camel changed position from lay down to stand up. I thought it was going to throw me off!
I've rode an elephant, surprisingly it was in Canada!
Pitman Arm
Those in India looks like the tricycle of the Philippines, I was expecting a post from a "Jeepney" ride in Manila, Philippines. Its cheap and you can catch lung cancer after riding it because of the pollution, but its quite a ride because you can totally indulge in their culture by just riding one. Aside from that, I think I prefer vehicle rides, at least the handlers can have spare parts if something is broken. Unlike those done with animals, I've heard that some are even mistreated very bad.
Only in NZ will you get the zorb – that's what I love about the land of the long white cloud (NZ).
backpackjournohey Chloe, I actually found out that you can do zorbing in Singapore too! Of course it’s not the same, but prices are much lower as well. ;)
Brilliant post! My fave is dog sledding in Norway, absolutely!
Ntsiki Khasu
They are all so cool but my favourite is the dog sledding in Norway, gotta love it
Eurotrip Tips
I think the scariest one is certainly the bamboo train! Not sure I’d hop on that anytime soon! :P
But I like the traditional boats in Asia or South America. Not just for the looks but also the fact that people have been riding these boats (well maybe not the exact boat) for a long time!
Linda Gilmour
This is a great list. I work for a tour operator and I have only been fortunate enough to try out the dog sledding (I did it on one of our tours to the Lapland Igloo Village. It was exhilarating and I loved it. That said I am jealous that I haven't tried more and I will be lobbying to offer some of these modes of transport on our tours so I can try more!
I'd never heard of the Bamboo Train before. I would have to add "riding in the passenger seat while my significant other is driving" to the list — it adds a whole new level of terror to the experience.
Inga Rós
The Zorbs just look like SO. MUCH. FUN. Definitely want to try them one day. The Totora boats remind me of the viking ships :o)
Inga RósYeh the zorbs are really cool! You can find them in carnivals and funfairs in Europe these days but they\’re much smaller and found on water. I\’m sure your kids will love them. ;)
I love the concept of a bamboo train…it seems so impossible, yet somehow it works. Thanks for sharing.
4od, 4 demand
My dream is to try the Tuktuk! It must be very fun and dangerous!
Love it!! Great and unique list!
Gotta put the Junk Boat on my to-do list! :)
Ha, I'd quite like to try that bamboo train one day, thoguht it does look a little scary!
GAH! Zorbing and dog-sledding are SO on my list for 2012. I love the variety in your list. I do love myself a harrowing tuk-tuk ride as well.
I've only done one, that makes me very sad. Must. Travel. More!
Joshua Johnson
This is great – I would like to see people Zorbing through Hollywood instead of driving like they have a death wish…the city would be a much more magical (and safe) place. New Zealanders know what is up!
I have been on the junk boat but I definitely want to try dog sledding. Looks like so much fun.
Oneika the Traveller
I've done numbers 3, 7, and 8!! Feeling quite proud of myself.. :-)
The zorb looks cool, but can you actually use it to travel from A to B in New Zealand? Now that would be a fun way to great around!
Rachelhahah Rachel, that\’s a thought! I don\’t think anyone is using it to travel from one point to another just as yet, but hey, you can always be the first. :)
The Travel Tart
You should try riding on a flatulent camel for a couple of hours. There's nothing like feeling the vibrations rumble up from your backside to your throat!
Tuk tuks are so much fun! Though my favourite ride to date was on top of a Bolivian bus! ;)
Adventure Travel
I cant say that I have tried many of these but I do have friends that have Zorbed and said it was more suffocating then anything. The chicken busses can be rode anywhere in the Central Americas. By the way if a Zorb is on the list I think that ZIP LINING should be as well. Canopy tours are definite the best way to view the jungles. Great list though. Photos accompanying are very nice.
Dan Arif
the totora boat looks great.. I'm gonna have to find the bamboo train when I visit Cambodia!
Between Bamboo Train and The Zorb, New Zealand. which is cooler, i think the Zorb is something you just to have to try, because the name is way cool. Do they have any close cheap hotels there while we are Zorbing?
Great list on different and unique modes of transport! My friends used the zorb when they were studying abroad in NZ and they said it was awesome!
I loved the longtail boats in Ko Phi Phi. It was so neat watching the locals maneuver them. I definitely would love to go on the dogsled ride in Norway!
I thought I was pretty worldly but I haven't tried any of these, thanks for the suggestions!
Ian Ord
I've taken a few of these transports now, but I think #1 looks the most interesting!! I'd love to try out that bamboo train!!! I hadn't even heard of it 5 mins ago, and now it's a goal for my near future ;) Thanks for sharing!
Chris Chiang
I have seen Junk Boat in the Victoria Harbor when I had a trip to Hong Kong in August 2013. Very stunning night skyline in Hong Kong.
The Sandia Mountains are home to the world’s second longest tramway which is 3,5 miles.